B ; reform ; pressures ; franchise c1780

- the county franchise
1 of 33
vote to all freeholders of property worth?
40 shillings/yr
2 of 33
over time what increased number of men qualified for this?
inflation and rising land price
3 of 33
- borough franchise
4 of 33
preston in lancashire was an open borough who gave vote to?
any man in constituency @ the time
5 of 33
around how many boroughs had electorates of over 1k?
6 of 33
notably westminster had how amny?
7 of 33
scot and lot boroughs gave vote to?
all men tht paid local tax
8 of 33
all who owned a hearth where they could boil pots
9 of 33
many boroughs electorates rarely exceeded how amny voters?
10 of 33
burgage boroughs?
men with various properties
11 of 33
corporation boroughs?
only members of town council
12 of 33
who often?
sold vote to highest bidder
13 of 33
sudbury esp so corrupt for this it was disfranchised in?
14 of 33
treasury boroughs?
chief employers of town
15 of 33
pocket borough?
most land owned by one person
16 of 33
rotten borough?
no more eco activity but still seats
17 of 33
old sarum
18 of 33
- size of the electorate
19 of 33
why impossible to tell with accuracy?
not est reg until gr8 ref act
20 of 33
survey est E/W electorate was?
21 of 33
out of pop?
22 of 33
as late as '31 how many men in scotland ahd vote?
23 of 33
with population?
24 of 33
- elections and 'interests'
25 of 33
system not based on pop but able to represent?
various national 'interests' like agriculture / banking
26 of 33
in 1784 election how many contests?
27 of 33
what was 'treating'?
providing food and beer
28 of 33
MPs weren't representers of voters but?
champions of interests that made up the nation
29 of 33
men purchased boroughs to do what?
represent an interest like shipping / agriculture
30 of 33
slaves in the west indes had voice through?
william wilberforce
31 of 33
what did northern industrialisation lead to?
gradual change in economic balance away from agricultural sout
32 of 33
so why did pressure begin to grown?
bc industrial interests not represented
33 of 33

Other cards in this set

Card 2


vote to all freeholders of property worth?


40 shillings/yr

Card 3


over time what increased number of men qualified for this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


- borough franchise


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


preston in lancashire was an open borough who gave vote to?


Preview of the front of card 5
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