Autistic spectrum disorder

  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 28-05-19 10:30
DSM-5 diagnostic criteria
before 3 show delayed/abnormal functioning in social communication and social orientation. E.g. differences in eye contact, no/unusual gestures, different facial expressions. Restrictive/repetitive behaviour
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changes to diagnostic criteria
no aspergers syndrome now - now autism without lang impairment. No childhood disintegrative/pervasive disorder
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Deficits in social communication+interaction
e.g. conversation, sharing of interests/emotions, failure to initiate/respnd to interaction, no mirroring emotion, deficits in non-verbal communicative behaviours used for social interaction
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restricted/repetitive behaviour
min 2 of: repetitive motor movements, repetitive speech, inflexible adherence to routines, fixated abnormal interests, hyper/hypo sensitivity to sensory input
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brain development
larger and heavier than average, reduced neuronal size and increased density in limbic and neuronal systems
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weak central coherence
more focused on finer details - better than normal at tasks like block control. Less likely to remember gist of story (remember key details), less likely to succumb to visual illusions
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executive function
don't join finer details together. Not good at rule shifting (from 1 to another) and worse at inhibitory control
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classic causal theories (5)
mirror neurons, broken mirror hypothesis, binding theory, cortical connectivity theory, extreme male brain theory
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Mirror neurons and social interaction
mirror neurons respond when we perform an act - autistic show unusual imitation (echolalia), don't use lang in same way, less likely to copy actions, facial expressions
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Broken mirror hypothesis
mirror neuron system cant be broken as they used expressions + could imitate. Autistic showed less activation in inferior frontal gyrus - activation here correlaed with symptom severity. Evidence against - imitation involves more than mirror neurons
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Binding theory
info is linked in neural networks by synchronising neural firing (temporal binding). Defective binding results in weak central coherence, also would cause problems in social situations+repetitive behaviour
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Cortical connectivity theory of autism
Similar to binding theory. Fewer correlations/synchronised activity between different brain regions in autism. Background activity filtered out, networks less strongly correlated in those with autism-could explain social abnormality+inflexibility
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Extreme male brain theory of autism
2 ways of thinking - emphasising (understanding emotions+mentalising) and systemising (logical systems, mechanics) Involves central coherence. Males = s, women = e. Autistic = s - but theory doesn't explain why
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fractionable autistic triad
2-3 deficits in autism aren't necessarily linked. Dont always correlate in severity. Can occur independently - controlled by different genes. Not a unitary disorder
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Study of autistic - networks
networks less strongly correlated in those with autism. Could explain preference for local thinking, social abnormalities, cognitive inflexibility
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outcomes for autistic
57% v poor outcome (not living independently, no communication, no job), 21% poor outcomre, 13% acceptable (hobbies, social circle, not employed/living alone), 8% fair (EITHER living alone/employed)
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psychiatric outcomes
43% epilepsy, 8% psychosis, 50% moderate self-injury, 33% hyperactive
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social + emotional functioning
most adults - difficulties in social responsiveness, 3/19 had 1+ close friends, ony 1 had a partner, only 3 living independently, clear daily life difficulties, 14/19 never had a job
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Applied behaviour analysis
children rewarded for behaviour close to target behaviours (positive reinforcement). Discrete trial learning - instructor gives request, child response, reward or prompt
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


changes to diagnostic criteria


no aspergers syndrome now - now autism without lang impairment. No childhood disintegrative/pervasive disorder

Card 3


Deficits in social communication+interaction


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


restricted/repetitive behaviour


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


brain development


Preview of the front of card 5
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