Attachment questions

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 25-01-18 20:57
What percentage of babies are attached to their father by 18 months?
1 of 28
What are two signs of attachment?
Separation anxiety and physical closeness
2 of 28
How old are most babies when they begin to display reciprocity?
3 months
3 of 28
Why are there ethical issues with experiments involving babies?
Babies cannot give informed consent
4 of 28
When do most babies become attached to their mother, according to Schaffer and Emerson?
7 months
5 of 28
By 40 weeks, what percentage of babies have a specific attachment?
6 of 28
By 40 weeks, what percentage of babies have multiple attachments?
7 of 28
At what stage do babies start to prefer people over inanimate objects?
Stage 2: indiscriminate attachment (2-7 months)
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What percentage of children have secondary attachments within a month of forming primary attachments?
9 of 28
Why does attachment give us a survival advantage?
Imprinting and attachment evolved because they ensure young animals stay close to their caregivers, protecting them from hazards
10 of 28
Why do babies display 'cute' behaviours?
They are designed to make caregivers attach to them during a critical period
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How long did Bowlby suggest the critical period was?
2 years
12 of 28
If an attachment is not formed within the critical period, what effect will this have on the child?
It will be harder to form an attachment later
13 of 28
Why does the internal working model affect a child's ability to be a parent themselves?
Because people tend to base their parenting behaviour on how they were parented
14 of 28
What are the seven stages of the Strange Situation?
Encouraged to explore; a stranger comes in; the child is left with the stranger; the caregiver returns; the child is left alone; the stranger returns; the caregiver returns and is reunited with the child
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What behaviours are observed in the Strange Situation?
Proximity seeking; exploration and secure-base behaviour; stranger anxiety; separation anxiety; response at reunion
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What percentage of British toddlers have an insecure-resistant attachment?
17 of 28
What percentage of British toddlers have an insecure-avoidant attachment?
18 of 28
What percentage of British toddlers have a secure attachment?
19 of 28
Which country had the highest percentage of secure children?
Britain (75%)
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Which country had the highest percentage of insecure-resistant children?
Israel (29%)
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Which country had the highest percentage of insecure-avoidant children?
Germany (35%)
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Why might Italian babies be less secure than British babies?
Italian mothers work long hours and use professional childcare
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How many of the 44 thieves in Bowlby's study were found to show signs of affectionless psychopathy and how many of them had experienced prolonged separation?
14 were found to show signs of affectionless psychopathy; 12 of these had experienced prolonged separation
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In the ERA study, what did children adopted after 6 months show signs of that children adopted before 6 months did not?
Disinhibited attachment
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What are two effects of institutionalisation?
Mental retardation and disinhibited attachment
26 of 28
What are the characteristics of disinhibited attachment?
Attention seeking, clinginess and social behaviours directed indiscriminately towards adults
27 of 28
What do the ERA study and Bucharest Early Intervention Project both show?
Children in institutions are more likely to develop disinhibited attachments
28 of 28

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are two signs of attachment?


Separation anxiety and physical closeness

Card 3


How old are most babies when they begin to display reciprocity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why are there ethical issues with experiments involving babies?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When do most babies become attached to their mother, according to Schaffer and Emerson?


Preview of the front of card 5
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