Aschs study (1956) of majority influence/conformity

  • Created by: paris b
  • Created on: 16-05-17 17:48

1. procedures of aschs study?

  • naive participant in a room with 2/3 confederates ( working with Asch) 18 trials 12 were critical trials were confederates gave right answer before the naive participant
  • naive participant in a room with 6/7 confederates ( working with Asch) 18 trials 12 where critical trials were confederates gave wrong answer before the naive participant
  • naive participant in a room with 2/3 confederates ( working with naive participant) 18 trials 12 were critical trials where confederates gave wrong answer before the naive participant
  • naive participant in a room with 6/7 confederates ( working with Asch) 18 critical trials 12 where regualar trials were naive gave right answer before the confederate
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2. what were Asch's finding?

  • 37% of answers by naive participant were incorrect. 75% of all naive participants conformed at least once
  • 67% of answers by naive participant were correct. 55% of all naive participants conformed at least 3 times
  • 37% of answers by naive participant were correct. 75% of all naive participants confored at least once
  • 67% of answers by naive participant were incorrect. 55% of all naive participants conformed at least once

3. what did Asch conclude?

  • the participants conformed because they did not want to stand out. participants who had low self-esteem were more likely to conform
  • the participants conformed because they want to stand out. participants who had low self-esteem were less likely to conform
  • the participants conformed because they did not wantt stand out. paticipant who had low slf-esteem were moe likely to confor
  • the participants conformed because they did not want to stand out. participants who had high self-esteem were more likely to conform

4. what were Aschs aims ?

  • to explore how and why individuals are influenced by a small group to behave a certain way in a familiar situation
  • to explore how and why individuals are influenced by a lare grou to behave in a certain way in an ambiguous situation
  • to explore how and why individuals are influenced by a large group to behave in a certain way in an ambiguous situation
  • to explore how and why individuals are influenced by a small group to behave a certain way in an ambiguous situation

5. who were the participants in the study?

  • 123 male americans (undergraduates)
  • 123 male and female (undergraduates)
  • 123 male and female american (undergraduates)
  • 132 american undergraduates


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