AS English Language Studies - Gender

  • Created by: Jess_hs
  • Created on: 02-05-17 12:01
Lackoff - 1975
DEFICIT THEORY women adopt language terms which makes them appear less condifent (hedges, hesitation, tag questions, superpolite forms, empty adjectives)
1 of 10
Tannen - 1990
DIFFERENCE men and women communicate within themselves. advice vs understanding (male first). men and women cannot communicate together
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Fishman - 1983
DOMINANCE men are more dominant, women ask questions that men dont respond to
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Holmes - 1996 / 2003
HONEYPIE women compliment more, positive politeness strategy
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Zimmerman and West - 1975
DOMINANCE females seen as the subordinate group, men more likely to interupt women, men act more dominant (very old study)
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Spender - 1980
DOMINANCE men historically have been in more power so they control language, depends on the situation, taboo words refer to woman parts
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Jones - 1990
WOMANS ORAL CULTURE AND GOSSIP 4 categories : house talk, scandal, bitching, chatting
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Coates - 1998
FEMALES built on Jones' study, female conversation is more supportive and cooperative
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Cameron - 1995
VERBAL HYGIENE woman expected to look and talk a certain way, advised on this through cultures
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Baker - 2010 / 2016
ELIGIBLE BACHELORS woman who aren't married FRUSTRATED SPINSTERS men who never marry but it is okay in society (women easily critisized)
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Card 2


DIFFERENCE men and women communicate within themselves. advice vs understanding (male first). men and women cannot communicate together


Tannen - 1990

Card 3


DOMINANCE men are more dominant, women ask questions that men dont respond to


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Card 4


HONEYPIE women compliment more, positive politeness strategy


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Card 5


DOMINANCE females seen as the subordinate group, men more likely to interupt women, men act more dominant (very old study)


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