As Edexel Globalisation

  • Created by: Jaylea
  • Created on: 05-05-16 22:28

1. which of the following isn't a characteristic of a globalised world

  • better environmental quality
  • increased development gap
  • increased global networks
  • growth of TNCs, new markets and international organisations
1 of 20

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2. which do countries are the 2nd and 4th biggest economy's

  • china and america
  • china and india
  • japan and china
  • uk and america

3. which global grouping(s) have had recent industrialisation

  • OPECs & FCCs
  • NICs & RICs
  • LEDCs & LDCs
  • MEDC

4. what is an economic benefit of globalisation

  • decreased pollution levels in MEDCs
  • availability of derelict land in MEDCs
  • increased wages and quality of life in NICs & RICs
  • developing countries getting better education

5. 33/40 countries that are heavily in debt are in..

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • South America
  • Europe


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