AQA GCSE Chemistry C3- Water

Quiz on C3- water. Please do this in the quiz format not the flashcards one, as I made it in the quiz format and I don't think it works so well in the flashcard one. I don't know why it changes to that :S.

  • Created by: Someone
  • Created on: 22-05-12 13:40
The water in the environment of the Earth does what as the Sun supplies it with energy?
1 of 8
What is meant by a saturated solution?
A solution in which as much solute as possible has been dissolved.
2 of 8
How can we make more of the solute be dissolved in a saturated solution?
Heat it
3 of 8
What are the two main factors that affect the solubility of gases?
Pressure and temperature
4 of 8
As the temperature increases the rate of solubility of a solid...
5 of 8
As the temperature increase, the solubility of a gas...
6 of 8
Scale is produced when...
Hard water is heated
7 of 8
In water treatment, why is passed through a special filter made of fine sand?
To remove any particles of mud and grit
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is meant by a saturated solution?


A solution in which as much solute as possible has been dissolved.

Card 3


How can we make more of the solute be dissolved in a saturated solution?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the two main factors that affect the solubility of gases?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


As the temperature increases the rate of solubility of a solid...


Preview of the front of card 5
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This is really good! Thanks! Some of these I haven't even been taught though which is a bit worrying cos my exam is on Thursday... :/

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