AQA Chemistry Group 1 (Alkali Metals)

  • Created by: Benjamin
  • Created on: 01-04-13 14:25
Name the first 6 Alkali Metals
Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, rubidium, Caesium, Francium
1 of 16
Are the alkali metals non-reactive?
2 of 16
Why do group 1 metals have to be stored in oil?
to stop them from reacting with O2 in the air
3 of 16
As you go down group 1, what happens to the reactivity of the elements?
4 of 16
Name the most/least reactive alkali metal
Lithium=least reactive Francium=Most reactive
5 of 16
What can we say about the density of the alkali metals compared to other metals
That they are very dense in comparison
6 of 16
State a property of the alkali metals, besides their density
They're soft
7 of 16
How many electrons do group 1 elements have on their outer shell?
8 of 16
The 1 electron on the outer shell, is a similarity shared by all of the alkali metals. It gives them all _________ _________
Similar Properties
9 of 16
As they only need to lose one electron to get to a stable (Noble gas) structure, are the alkali metals very reactive?
10 of 16
When group 1 elements react with ____ - Metals, what do they lose?
Their 1 outer electron
11 of 16
When group 1 elements react with non metals, what sort of ions do they form, and what charge is left on their ions
They form Metal ions, with a 1+ charge as they give away their 1 outer electron
12 of 16
What do group 1 metals always form when they react with non-metals
Ionic compounds
13 of 16
Whats the formula for a lithium/sodium/Francium Ions?
Li+ Na+ Fr+ (All have a +1 charge)
14 of 16
As you go down group 1, do melting/boiling points get higher or lower?
15 of 16
When metals x,p and y are added to water, they fizz and float around. Name elements x, p and y
Lithium, Sodium and Potassium
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Are the alkali metals non-reactive?



Card 3


Why do group 1 metals have to be stored in oil?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


As you go down group 1, what happens to the reactivity of the elements?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the most/least reactive alkali metal


Preview of the front of card 5
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