aqa a level biology - mass transport, blood vessels

what is the function of arteries?
to carry blood away from the heart and into arterioles, transports blood quickly under high pressure from the heart to the tissues.
1 of 10
what is the function of arterioles?
control blood flow from arteries to capillaries, they are essentially smaller arteries, carry blood under lower pressure than arteries.
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what is the function of the veins?
transport blood under low pressure from the capillaries in the tissues to the heart
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what is the function of capillaries?
exchange metabolic materials like oxygen, carbon dioxide and glucose between the cells and the rest of the body.
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how is the structure of arteries related to their function?
thick muscle layer (can constrict and dilate to control blood flow), thick elastic layer (high blood pressure, stretches and recoils to help maintain high pressure), thick wall (doesn't burst under pressure), no valves (high pressure so blood doesn't flow
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how is the structure of arterioles related to their function?
thicker muscle layer than arteries (contraction allows for restriction of lumen, controlling blood flow into capillaries), thinner elastic layer than arteries (lower blood pressure).
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how is the structure of veins related to their function?
thin muscle layer (carry blood away from tissues so constriction and dilation can't control blood flow to tissues), thin elastic layer and wall (low pressure, won't burst or have a recoil action), valves (stop backflow of blood).
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how is the structure of capillaries related to their function?
very thin walls (short diffusion distance between blood and cells), numerous and highly branched (large SA), narrow diameter (permeate tissues, no cell far from capillary so sort diffusion pathway), narrow lumen (red blood cells have to squeeze flat again
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what is tissue fluid?
watery liquid containing glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, ions in solution and oxygen, supplies these to tissues and receives carbon dioxide and other waste products from the tissues.
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how is tissue fluid formed?
from blood plasma.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the function of arterioles?


control blood flow from arteries to capillaries, they are essentially smaller arteries, carry blood under lower pressure than arteries.

Card 3


what is the function of the veins?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the function of capillaries?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how is the structure of arteries related to their function?


Preview of the front of card 5
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