Animal Atttachment - Harlow (1959)

What was Harlow's aim?
he wanted to find out why attachments are formed
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What was the popular theory at the time?
Cupboard Love - attachment for food
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What was the method of Harlow's experiment?
he created two mothers - one wire and one cloth, wire one had food, infant rhesus monkeys separated from mothers, given choice of these two mothers
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What were they observed for?
as to how much time they spent with each mother.
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What did Harlow find?
monkeys preferred contact with cloth mother, then occasionally went to wire mother for food,monkeys stressed around wire mother, when frightened monkey clung to cloth mother for comfort
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What was the conclusion of the experiment?
Rhesus monkeys are innate, unlearned need for contact.
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Suggesting what?
attachment concerns emotional security more than food, contact comfort decreases stress and indicates emotional security
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Card 2


What was the popular theory at the time?


Cupboard Love - attachment for food

Card 3


What was the method of Harlow's experiment?


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Card 4


What were they observed for?


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Card 5


What did Harlow find?


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