anatomy and physiology

frontal plane
passes from side to side and divides the body into the front and back. Abduction and adduction movements occur in this plane, eg jumping jack exercises, raising and lowering arms and legs sideways, cartwheel.
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saggital plane
a vertical plane that divides the body into left and right sides. Flexion and extension types of movement occur in this plane, eg kicking a football, chest pass in netball, walking, jumping, squatting.
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transverse plane
passes through the middle of the body and divides the body horizontally in an upper and lower half. Rotation types of movement occur in this plane, eg hip rotation in a golf swing, twisting in a discus throw, pivoting in netball, spinning in skating.
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frontal axis
this line runs from left to right through the centre of the body. For example, when a person performs a somersault they rotate around this axis.
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saggital axis
this line runs from front to back through the centre of the body. For example, when a person performs a cartwheel they are rotating about the sagittal axis.
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vertical axis
this line runs from top to bottom through the centre of the body. For example, when a skater performs a spin they are rotating around the vertical axis.
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first class levers
The first class lever uses the fulcrum in between the applied force and load. e.g neck muscles extension during a football header
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second class levers
second class lever uses the load between the fulcrum and applied force. e.g the plantar felxion of the ankle during a basketball jumpshot
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third class levers
third class lever uses the applied force between the fulcrum and the load. e.g a bicept curl
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double circulatory system
a system in which blood pumps through the heart twice during each trip around the body. The blood is first pumped into the lungs, where it becomes oxygenated, and is then pumped back into the heart, finally pumped into the rest of the body.
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function of the skeleton
to provide posture so we can walk and to protect the vital organs.
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These connect bone to bone
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protects bones from rubbing together
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strongest thickest blood vesssel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body
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smallest blood vessel, they distribute oxygenated blood from arteries to the tissues of the body and to feed deoxygenated blood from the tissues back into the veins.
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Veins are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart
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Card 2


a vertical plane that divides the body into left and right sides. Flexion and extension types of movement occur in this plane, eg kicking a football, chest pass in netball, walking, jumping, squatting.


saggital plane

Card 3


passes through the middle of the body and divides the body horizontally in an upper and lower half. Rotation types of movement occur in this plane, eg hip rotation in a golf swing, twisting in a discus throw, pivoting in netball, spinning in skating.


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Card 4


this line runs from left to right through the centre of the body. For example, when a person performs a somersault they rotate around this axis.


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Card 5


this line runs from front to back through the centre of the body. For example, when a person performs a cartwheel they are rotating about the sagittal axis.


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