Amazon Interview Questions

  • Created by: aneeka
  • Created on: 11-04-21 17:15
1. Tell me about yourself
I am a self-motivated and high achieving recent master's graduate. Over the years I've built up lots of transferable skills and experiences that are a match for not just this job description, but also for the leadership principles you expect your employee
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2. Why do you want to work at Amazon
I would like to work for Amazon for four main reasons.

1. I admire that Amazon values customer-obsession and is based around customer-centricity. I studied the importance of leadership traits in the e-workplace for my master's dissertation and found that
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3.What is your greatest weakness?
What is your biggest area for growth?
What would your manager say is your weakness?
Have you set a development goal for yourself?
Has your work ever been criticised by a manager?
If I called your boss now, what would he
Sometimes I can procrastinate. In University, many of the deadlines can build up and you are managing various projects at once. This usually means that you have little time to work on other projects outside of University, especially because the deadlines
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4. Tell me about a time you not only met your goals but exceeded expectations (Deliver results)

How do you show customer obsession? (Customer obsession)
S: There was one time when I was working as a medical receptionist for a private GP surgery. A customer was unhappy because they couldn't find a specific product they were looking for. They had come in a few times, and it was still out of stock, which lef
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5. Describe a situation where you had to face a particularly challenging situation while working on a project and what you did to overcome it (Deliver results)

Tell me about a time you had to make a decision quickly. (Earn trust)
S: When I was still taking my master’s, one project was to examine a case, break it down and analyse and give a formal presentation to our class and teachers. My group chose me to head this project and they trusted I would be able to keep the project on t
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6. Tell me about a time you handled a difficult customer. What did you do? How did you manage the customer? What was her/his reaction? What was the outcome? (Customer obsession)

Tell me about a time where you put the customer first, regardless of what pe
S — In my previous role, a customer was upset because their appointment was cancelled multiple times due to the doctor not showing up. The doctor was having some personal problems with the manager at the time which meant that the appointment schedules wer
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Card 2


2. Why do you want to work at Amazon


I would like to work for Amazon for four main reasons.

1. I admire that Amazon values customer-obsession and is based around customer-centricity. I studied the importance of leadership traits in the e-workplace for my master's dissertation and found that

Card 3


3.What is your greatest weakness?
What is your biggest area for growth?
What would your manager say is your weakness?
Have you set a development goal for yourself?
Has your work ever been criticised by a manager?
If I called your boss now, what would he


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Card 4


4. Tell me about a time you not only met your goals but exceeded expectations (Deliver results)

How do you show customer obsession? (Customer obsession)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


5. Describe a situation where you had to face a particularly challenging situation while working on a project and what you did to overcome it (Deliver results)

Tell me about a time you had to make a decision quickly. (Earn trust)


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