Am I part of something bigger than me? 1: Friendship 1

Tom and Mary are married and very much in love, but they do not have sex. What kind of love do they have?
1 of 6
The kind of love that a stalker feels towards his victim, whom he doesn't know and isn't in a relationship with, is what kind of love?
2 of 6
Tom and Mary have divorced. They no longer have romantic feelings for each other, or an ongoing platonic relationship. When Mary says that she still loves Tom because she knows him well and he's a great person, what kind of love is this?
3 of 6
Ben and Jerry are business partners and great friends who love each other. They handle different aspects of their business; Jerry does the maths and Ben does the advertising. One day, Jerry loses his ability to do maths. Ben leaves. Why?
It was a friendship of utility
4 of 6
Charlie always comes to Lola when he's depressed because she can still make him laugh and make him feel better. What kind of friendship is this?
Friendship of pleasure
5 of 6
According to Aristotle, who can have a true friendship?
Virtuous people
6 of 6

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Card 2


The kind of love that a stalker feels towards his victim, whom he doesn't know and isn't in a relationship with, is what kind of love?



Card 3


Tom and Mary have divorced. They no longer have romantic feelings for each other, or an ongoing platonic relationship. When Mary says that she still loves Tom because she knows him well and he's a great person, what kind of love is this?


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Card 4


Ben and Jerry are business partners and great friends who love each other. They handle different aspects of their business; Jerry does the maths and Ben does the advertising. One day, Jerry loses his ability to do maths. Ben leaves. Why?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Charlie always comes to Lola when he's depressed because she can still make him laugh and make him feel better. What kind of friendship is this?


Preview of the front of card 5
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