Am I free? Introductory lecture


1. Libertarianism:

  • incompatibilists who deny that humans have free will
  • incompatibilists who believe that free will and determinism are compatible
  • incompatibilists who believe that humans have free will
  • incompatibilists who believe that determinism is false
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2. Indeterminists:

  • incompatibilists who deny that humans have free will
  • incompatibilists who believe that free will and determinism are compatible
  • incompatibilists who believe that determinism is false
  • incompatibilists who believe that humans have free will

3. Determinism:

  • There is only one series of events consistent with prior conditions of the world and the laws of nature
  • Human action can be explained and predicted by reference to deterministic scientific laws
  • The ultimate origin of the decision was in you, you were the locus of choice, it was shaped by your values, goals, etc. but wasn’t determined by them, your decision wasn’t ultimately due to something outside of you
  • It was up to you which option to choose, you were capable of picking something else, it was like you faced a “forking-path”

4. What is the third person perspective on human decisions and actions?

  • There is only one series of events consistent with prior conditions of the world and the laws of nature
  • Decisions and actions are just events in a larger causal network of events, all of which are susceptible to scientific investigation, and are fully explainable
  • The ultimate origin of the decision was in you, you were the locus of choice, it was shaped by your values, goals, etc. but wasn’t determined by them, your decision wasn’t ultimately due to something outside of you
  • Free will (in some sense) and determinism are incompatible

5. Incompatibilism:

  • humans have free will
  • free will (in some sense) and determinism are compatible
  • free will (in some sense) and determinism are incompatible
  • humans don't have free will


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