Altering conditions - Temperature

  • Created by: Char
  • Created on: 16-05-13 18:34
Does increasing or decreasing the temperature favour the reaction in the endothermic reaction?
1 of 8
Why does the equilibrium shift?
To lower the temperatures by taking in energy
2 of 8
Decreasing the temperature favours?
The exothermic reaction
3 of 8
If the forward reaction is exothermic...
An INCREASE in TEMPERATURE will DECREASE the amount of products formed
4 of 8
If the forward reaction is exothermic...
A DECREASE in TEMPERATURE will INCREASE the amount of products formed
5 of 8
If the forward reaction is endothermic...
An INCREASE in TEMPERATURE will INCREASE the amount of products formed
6 of 8
If the forward reaction is endothermic...
A DECREASE in TEMPERATURE will DECREASE the amount of products formed
7 of 8
For example, for 2NO2 <---> N204, the forward reaction is endothermic, so increasing the temperature will...
Produce more NO2 (reactant)
8 of 8

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Why does the equilibrium shift?


To lower the temperatures by taking in energy

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Decreasing the temperature favours?


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If the forward reaction is exothermic...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


If the forward reaction is exothermic...


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