C8 - Rates and equlibrium.


C8 - Rates and equlibrium.

C8 - Rates and equlibrium.

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8.1 - Rate of reaction.

  • you can find out the rate of reaction by monitering amount of reactants used over time or products made over time.
  • Gradient tells you the rate of reaction. Steeper gradient = faster reaction. 
  • To calculate ROR at specific time draw the tangent to the curve, then calculate its gradient.
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8.2 - Collison and surface area.

  • Particles must collide with a minimum amout of energy before they react. 
  • Activation energy =  minimum amout of energy before they react
  • Rate increases if surface area to volume ratio of any solid reactants are increased, this increases the frequency of collisions between reacting particles.
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8.3 - Effect of temperature.

  • temperature increase = quicker reactions. 
  • increasing temp increases the frequency particles collide at and they move more frantically.
  • More collisions in a given time result in a reaction as the particles have a higher energy that is larger than the activation energy.
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8.4 - effect of concentration and pressure.

  • Increasing concentration = increases frequency of particle collision.
  • Increasing pressure = increases frequency of particle collision.
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8.5 - Catalysts.

  • Speeds up rate of reaction but it is not used up itslef during the reaction. Chemically unchanged.
  • Different catalysts needed for different reactions. 
  • Used in industry to increase ROR and reduce energy costs.
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8.7 - energy and reversible reactions.

  • One reaction exothermic and one reaction endothermic. 
  • In a reversible reaction the amount of energy transferred one way is exactly the same the other way.
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8.8 - Dynamic equilibrum

  • In a closed system the rate of forward and reverse reactions is equal at equilibrium. 
  • Changing reaction conditions can change amount of products and reactants in a mixture at equilibrium.
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8.9 - Altering conditions.

  • Increasing pressure favours reaction that forms less moleules of gas. 
  • Deacrising pressure favours reaction that forms more molecules of gas.
  • Incraeasing temperature - favours endothermic reaction. 
  • Decreasing temperature - favours exothermic reaction.
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