Alexander III

  • Created by: LucyLaa
  • Created on: 03-07-17 08:14
During what period did Alexander III rule?
1881 - 1894
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Who was his mentor?
Konstantin Pobedonostev - a strongly pro-Tsarism factor in A III's rule
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Why is his rule described as 'repressive'?
He was conservative, had very little social reform, no revolution (strict) and used Russification to perpetuate the Russian ideals he loved.
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What Manifesto was issued at the beginning of his rule?
1881 Manifesto on Unshakeable Autocracy
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What did the Manifesto do?
Replaced liberal ministers; Nullified the Loris-Melikov Constitution; Removed liberal reforms e.g. Statute of State Security (government controlled courts with no jury), more censorship, less University autonomy and higher fees.
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How did he centralise political power?
Replaced elected JP's with 'land captains' (gentry); Zemstva restricted; Primary education put under Church control; Secondary education restrictions for peasants; Government could select juries.
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How did he try to bring about unity?
Implemented 'Russification' policies - used only Russian language, minorities were persecuted (especially Jews in the Pale, who suffered from government encouraged pogroms)
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How did he improve Russian economy?
Nikolai Bunge: Tax burden reduction for peasants; created Peasant Land Bank; -> Replaced by Ivan Vyshnegradsky: Offered financial incentive to migrate to Siberia to reduce land demand (didn't prevent 1891 famine); encouraged foreign loans
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Why did Bunge resign in 1886?
He was blamed for the fall in value of the Rouble.
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How successful was Alexander III?
Government: centralised power and maintained autocracy. War and Revolution: No wars, no revolutions. Economy: Laid foundations for economic reform under Witte. Education: Less widespread education, less radicalism. National Minorities: Resentment.
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How did Alexander III die?
Kidney failure.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who was his mentor?


Konstantin Pobedonostev - a strongly pro-Tsarism factor in A III's rule

Card 3


Why is his rule described as 'repressive'?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What Manifesto was issued at the beginning of his rule?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the Manifesto do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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