Agency Theory

What is meant bv the term 'Hierarchy'?
Society works in a hierarchy, those at the top will instruct and those at the bottom will obey
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What is meant by the term 'Socialisation'?
We are taught and conditioned to obey authority by parents and teachers.
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What is meant by the term 'Agentic State'?
When we obey instructions of an authoritative figure.
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What is meant by the term 'Autonomous State'?
When we act accordingly to our own free will.
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What is meant by the term 'Moral Strain'?
When you are being asked to do something you do not want to do.
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What is the 'Agentic Shift'?
The movement from the 'Autonomous State' to the 'Agentic State'.
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What are two strengths of 'Agency Theory'?
Agentic Shift can occur at any time as shown in the My Lai Massacre. Soldiers were in the agentic state when they were told to kill any civiv
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Card 2


What is meant by the term 'Socialisation'?


We are taught and conditioned to obey authority by parents and teachers.

Card 3


What is meant by the term 'Agentic State'?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is meant by the term 'Autonomous State'?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is meant by the term 'Moral Strain'?


Preview of the front of card 5
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