Adolescent Development


1. What is Elkind's adolescent egocentrism

  • Being selfish
  • Oblivious to other people's views
  • Aware of other people's views but we assume our own views are universal and an interest to everyone
  • The view that the individual is better than everyone else
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2. What is not a feature of egocentrism

  • Imaginary audience- everyone is observing and scrutinising what you do
  • Illusion of transparency- believing that everyone are lesser
  • Risk-taking- more likely to engage in risk because they have special status
  • Personal fable & private god- Inflation of self-importance from the assumption they are everyone's centre of attention

3. Which is not a reason why adolescence is biological

  • Behaviours are universal across culture
  • Stage like
  • Same definition throughout history
  • Occurs in non-human animals

4. Which is not a reason why imaginary audience maybe outdated

  • Adolescents are too consumed with their own thoughts to think about others
  • Females are under stronger social pressures
  • It is a coping mechanism to deal with stress
  • Adolescents must be self-absorbed to create their personality

5. What is Somerville's study into self-consciousness

  • P: Completed FMRIs, were told a camera was off, warming up or on (a peer of the same sex is observing them) F:greater brain activation, physiological responses and embarrassment compared to children and adults
  • P: Asked people to monitor how many times they looked in the mirror F:Adolescents reported they did it the most
  • P: 8-22 year olds were observed on self-conscious behaviours for 8 weeks F:Adolescents exhibited the most self-concious behaviour
  • P: Teenagers were subconsciously shown insecurities that are common amongst their peers F: Showed more awareness of these and dislike of them within themselves in a questionnaire


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