Abbi Lee

  • Created by: Abbi Lee
  • Created on: 27-04-13 19:17
A force is either a
A push or a pull
1 of 6
What two things do forces have to be to be balanced?
The same size but going in opposite directions.
2 of 6
How do balanced forces affect the movement of an object?
A stationary object will remain stationary or a moving object will carry on at the same constant speed.
3 of 6
How do unbalanced forces affect the movement of an object?
They will cause an object to speed up (accelerate) or they will cause an object to slow down. (decelerate)
4 of 6
Do balanced or unbalanced forces affect the direction of an object?
Unbalanced forces affect the direction of movement.
5 of 6
Unbalanced forces affect the...
Speed and direction of movement.
6 of 6

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Card 2


The same size but going in opposite directions.


What two things do forces have to be to be balanced?

Card 3


A stationary object will remain stationary or a moving object will carry on at the same constant speed.


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Card 4


They will cause an object to speed up (accelerate) or they will cause an object to slow down. (decelerate)


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Card 5


Unbalanced forces affect the direction of movement.


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