A2 Government and Politics Primary Elections Quiz


1. In 1960 John Kennedy announced his candidacy 66 days before the primary, in 2008 Barack Obama announced his candidacy 423 days before. What is meant by "the constant election cycle"?

  • A charity race in which Candidates ride bikes around Washington D.C to raise money for their campagne.
  • when failed candidates are re-cycled and re used in a different election to a new office.
  • When the momment one election finishes candidates are already looking towards the next one.
  • Where media outlets are constantly focusing on the Election.
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2. What is "the big mo"?

  • Where a candidate gains momentum due to a succession of wins.
  • The term often used to describe Democratic debates.
  • The term given to a candidate who has been backed by the president.
  • The oldest Republican voter in Iowa, it is traditional for Republican candidates to shake her hand.

3. In 1968 only 11.7 million Americans took part in the primary election, what did this increase to in 2008?

  • 100 million
  • 58 million
  • 35 million
  • 67 million

4. What is an open primary election?

  • A primary election in which any U.S citizen can vote in the primary of either party.
  • A primary election in which registered voters can vote in the primary of either party.
  • A primary election in which only registered Democrats can vote in a Democratic primary and vice versa.
  • A primary in which only elected party officials can vote in their respective primaries.

5. In 2008 what was the so called "super tuesday" re named as and how many states took part?

  • Tsunami Tuesday 23
  • Super Duper Tuesday 15
  • Tidal Tuesday 15
  • Tsunami Tuesday 15


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