A2 Government and Politics Primary Elections Quiz

What is an open primary election?
A primary election in which registered voters can vote in the primary of either party.
1 of 10
Which state by law must hold it primary first?
New Hampshire.
2 of 10
What is "front loading"?
When states schedule their presidential primaries or caucuses earlier in the cycle, in an attempt to increase the importance of their state in choosing presidential candidates.
3 of 10
In 2008 what was the so called "super tuesday" re named as and how many states took part?
Tsunami Tuesday 23
4 of 10
What factor is most likely to effect turnout in a primary (according to Anthony J. Bennett)?
Close competition between candidates.
5 of 10
What is "the big mo"?
Where a candidate gains momentum due to a succession of wins.
6 of 10
In 1968 which commission significantly reformed the presidential candidate selection system?
McGovern-Fraser Commission.
7 of 10
In 1968 only 11.7 million Americans took part in the primary election, what did this increase to in 2008?
58 million
8 of 10
In 1968, Neither of the parties overall primary leaders got selected for nomination, name the candidates that won but weren't selected.
Eugene McCarthy and Ronald Reagan.
9 of 10
In 1960 John Kennedy announced his candidacy 66 days before the primary, in 2008 Barack Obama announced his candidacy 423 days before. What is meant by "the constant election cycle"?
When the momment one election finishes candidates are already looking towards the next one.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Which state by law must hold it primary first?


New Hampshire.

Card 3


What is "front loading"?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In 2008 what was the so called "super tuesday" re named as and how many states took part?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What factor is most likely to effect turnout in a primary (according to Anthony J. Bennett)?


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