A-Level History - Civil Rights in the USA (Trade union and labour rights)


1. What did the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 do?

  • Oversaw collective bargaining for farm labourers
  • It limited the power of unions
  • Unions could now gain medical and dental insurance
  • Allowed unions to bargain over conditions
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2. Between 1946-47, how many were involved in strikes?

  • 2 million
  • 4.5 million
  • 3 million
  • 2.5 million

3. When was the Equal Pay Act passed?

  • 1963
  • 1965
  • 1961
  • 1960

4. What was ruled in Lochner v. New York in 1905?

  • It declared that the NIRA was unconstitutional
  • It allowed employers to implement contracts, called yellow-dog contracts, which forbade employees from joining unions
  • It did not uphold legislation to limit the number of hours a baker could work
  • That the federal minimum wage legislation for women was an unconstitutional infringement of liberty of contract

5. What did the Wagner Act of 1935 do?

  • A minimum weekly wage was created
  • Gave workers the right to elect their own representatives to take part in collective bargaining, and gave workers the right to join unions
  • Improved relations between employers and employers. It aimed to bring about cooperation on matters such as production, wages rates and hours
  • It encouraged whole-industry based unions and African Americans and other ethnic groups to join


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