A Level Ancient history - Module 2

What's the Ekklesia?
- Citizens assembly
- Solon : allowed all citizens to participate
- Responsbile for declaring war, military strategy, and electing strategy
- All decrees apporved here before becomming laws
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What's the Boule?
- Council of 500, 50 per tribe, dealt with day to day affairs
- Manage agenda of assembly in charge of ports of military/navy
- Created by Solon with 400 members- Cleisthenes changed it to 500
- Met everyday
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What do Archons do?
- Term time only
- Council of Areopagus
- Formerly very powerful
- Elected until 487 then chosen by lot
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What do Straegoi do?
- Elected by tribes
- 10 generals
- Military officers and diplomats
- In charge of war council and strategy
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What do Other Magistrates do?
- Public offices and administrator of the state
- Financial magistrate elected
- Elected by sortion
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What is Ostracism?
Process to exile a leading figure, democratically
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Why were figures ostracised?
Safeguarding against tyranny
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How would people be ostracised?
Vote to hold it, vote in assembly off who to ostracise
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When would people be ostracised?
Was able to be held every year but not neccessary
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What does Plutarch, Pericles, 14 say about ostracism?
Pericles changed the citizens minds on how to spend the funds. Thucydides denouded Pericles for spending too much. Pericles got Thucydides ostracised.
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What does Plutarch, Nicias, 11 say about ostracism?
Alcibiades and Nicias came together to get Hyperbolus ostracised
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What were the two types of law courts ?
Dike and Graphe
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What's the procedure for a law court ?
- File a dike or graphe case
- Jury selected by lot
-Plaintiff and accused speak for themselves but could call upon witnesses
- Juries vote by placing pebbles
- If found guilty, both propose punishments the jury votes for
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How much were juries paid per day?
Two obols
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How many jurors would be on a case?
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What does the old oligarch, conisitution of the Athenians say about law courts?
- Does not like the consitution (leaves the worst people better off
-All bad people are in power because of democracy
- Poor make bad choices as they're uneducated
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Who changed the organisation of Attica and when?
Cleisthenes, 507
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What were the regions in Attica?
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What were each zones composed off?
10 trittyes in each zone
- 139 demoi distributed into these
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What was the purpose of the tribes?
Voting purposes
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Membership of a tribe is based on geographical location
It's hereditary
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How did citizenship change after 451?
Required an Athenian mother and father
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How did democracy develop in 487-486?
Athenians no longer elected archons but selected by lot
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How did the Persian wars develop democracy?
Lower classes who served in the navy found a new level of importance
Therefore their influence increased
The Old Oligarch [COTA] 1.2
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How did Ephialtes develop democracy?
460's he was the leading member of the reformists
Aristotle, Athenian Constitution,25
462/1 - limited powers of the council of Areopagus
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How did Pericles develop democracy?
Introduced payment for jurors
Aristotle, AC, 27
Required Athenian mother and father for citizenship
Aristotle, AC, 27; Plutarch, Pericles, 37
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From 443, Pericles was elected strategoi 15 times in a row
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How much were citizens in the boule paid ?
1 drachma per day
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Where did the Boule meet?
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What was the key feature of the council?
Prytany system- period of 35/6 days where the 50 councillors from one tribe were on call all the time and lived in state expense in a designated building
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All citizens could attend the ekklesia
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What was discussed in the Ekklesia?
Discuss matters relating to the polis [laws, foreign policy, tax, public buildings, etc]
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How was voting done in the ekklesia?
By a show off hands
Or for important matters- black and white pebbles
Some votes needed quonim of 6000 votes
- broad selection of voters
Xenophon, Memorabilia, 3.7.6
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Card 2


What's the Boule?


- Council of 500, 50 per tribe, dealt with day to day affairs
- Manage agenda of assembly in charge of ports of military/navy
- Created by Solon with 400 members- Cleisthenes changed it to 500
- Met everyday

Card 3


What do Archons do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do Straegoi do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do Other Magistrates do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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