4. Animal testing

Give 4 examples where animal testing gave development:
Insulin for diabetics, diphtheria, rubella and polio vaccinations
1 of 6
Give an example of a test on animals which is for cosmetic reason:
The draize test where they put irritants in rabbits eyes
2 of 6
Give 2 examples of pressure groups in animal testing:
The body shop and beauty without cruelty - use cosmetic testing without animals (longer and more expensive)
3 of 6
Why do some christians believe animals are different from god?
'God created man in his own image
4 of 6
Why do some christians think that humans have authority over animals?
Humans were given 'dominion over living things'- so humans have responsibility to look after the animals
5 of 6
Why do some christians think that animals don't have souls?
As it says in the bible 'the lord god formed the man from the dust and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life'- science shows that humans have a conscious while animals act on instinct
6 of 6

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give an example of a test on animals which is for cosmetic reason:


The draize test where they put irritants in rabbits eyes

Card 3


Give 2 examples of pressure groups in animal testing:


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why do some christians believe animals are different from god?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why do some christians think that humans have authority over animals?


Preview of the front of card 5
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