4.3 [Operations] The sales process and customer service.

  • Created by: mugmaniac
  • Created on: 09-04-22 17:00
What is e-commerce?
E-commerce is electronically selling goods online.
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What are telesales?
Telesales are selling goods or a service over a phone call or a video call though a website.
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What is face-to-face selling?
Physically selling to the customer, hence the the term "face to face"
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What is after sales service?
After purchasing a product or a service, the customer may require help about the product. Either setting it up, or having it damaged and contact the business for help. Which the business would provide
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What is a good product knowledge?
A good product knowledge is how well your employees know the product you are advertising.
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What is customer engagement?
Customer engagement is how well the employee is having the customer engaged with the business.
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2 Pros and 2 Cons of a business using e-commerce.
- Online security, information must be encrypted and kept secure at all times.
- Advances in technology, the company must be kept up with recent advancements to not be outdated.

- Selling world wide.
- Open all the time.
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A Pro and a Con of a business using telesales.
- Allows the customer to argue for better deals and bargain with the business.
- Can be accessed with the business.

- Meeting times may be limited
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A Pro and a Con of a business using face-to-face.
- Gives a lot of options for the customer to ask questions

- Slower when in transactions compared to other methods
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Card 2


What are telesales?


Telesales are selling goods or a service over a phone call or a video call though a website.

Card 3


What is face-to-face selling?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is after sales service?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a good product knowledge?


Preview of the front of card 5
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