place studies - Waikiki

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 07-06-22 10:59
name 3 connections within and around Hawaii.
1) The big island (Hawaii) has total control of the other islands
2) During the early 1800s, Christianity was forced onto communities in Hawaii which enabled greater connection to Western society.
3) Lots of Asian immigrants settled in Hawaii during the
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What island is Waikiki located on?
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How has the government of the USA influenced the character of Waikiki, and how is it expected to change in the future?
Hawaii being a state has caused Waikiki's character to be influenced by American traits. It is still controlled by the US even though it is 1000s of miles away from the main body.
F - if tourist numbers plummet, the government will invest less into the is
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How has World War 2 influenced the character of Waikiki?
the bombing of pearl harbour has changed Waikiki's tropical paradise to a political asset for both the US and Japan to fight over.
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How has immigration influenced the character of Waikiki, and how will it change in the future?
Hawaii's ethnic makeup is very diverse with lots of Asian roots.
F - migration will decrease in the future if the islands' lose their beauty as people will not want to live there.
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How has tourism influenced the character of Waikiki and how will it change in the future?
Waikiki's physical landscape has caused it to become very popular with American and European tourists. This has caused a boom in the economy of Honolulu, with lots of money being spent on attractions for tourists.
F - Tourist numbers will decrease if the
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What are 3 connections between the different exogenous factors in the way they have influenced the character of Waikiki?
1) USA's government and war - Japan and the USA fought over Hawaii.
2) USA's government and immigration - The USA controls immigration into Hawaii.
3) war and tourism - pearl harbour attracts tourists.
4) immigration and tourism - tourists are attracted t
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Name 4 ways in which Waikiki has experienced globalisation.
1) there has been an increased amount of global companies (particularly American) such as Porsche and Hugo Boss.
2) The expansion of air ports and influx of tourists has led to invasive species arriving on the islands.
3) The most common type of industry
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How much money every year does tourism contribute to the economy of Waikiki?
$17.75 billion
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Name 4 ways in which tourism has affected the character of Waikiki.
1) global brands have led to Waikiki becoming a clone town.
2) Tourists stop Waikiki becoming a clone town as people are drawn by independent businesses that reflect Hawaii's culture.
3) Land use has caused lots of Waikiki's environment to be cut back to
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Card 2


What island is Waikiki located on?



Card 3


How has the government of the USA influenced the character of Waikiki, and how is it expected to change in the future?


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Card 4


How has World War 2 influenced the character of Waikiki?


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Card 5


How has immigration influenced the character of Waikiki, and how will it change in the future?


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