place studies - Waikiki 2

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 07-06-22 11:50
Describe the location of Waikiki.
located on the island of Oahu in the Pacific island. It is in the middle between West America and East Japan.
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Name 4 endogenous factors in Waikiki.
1) rice patches installed by East Asians.
2) intermarriage between Asian and Hawaiian ethnicities.
3) the Moana Hotel was built in 1901 which has become a historical landmark.
4) streams and mountains - high relief.
5) main land use is hotels and flats.
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What is the WBSIDA and what do they do?
Waikiki Beach Special Improvement District Association.
They are an external agency created to preserve and restore Waikiki beach to keep the interest of tourists.
E.g. Bill 81 in 2014 allowed permits to be given to restore established parts of the coastl
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What is the ukulele festival and what do they do?
It was created by a local group that have had dedicated their life's work to spreading music through lessons, festivals and community events. Celebrity guests have encouraged tourists. They have provided a sense of community particularly for young people.
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an extra one
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Card 2


Name 4 endogenous factors in Waikiki.


1) rice patches installed by East Asians.
2) intermarriage between Asian and Hawaiian ethnicities.
3) the Moana Hotel was built in 1901 which has become a historical landmark.
4) streams and mountains - high relief.
5) main land use is hotels and flats.

Card 3


What is the WBSIDA and what do they do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the ukulele festival and what do they do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


an extra one


Preview of the front of card 5


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