place studies - Hitchin

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 07-06-22 12:03
How has tourism influenced the character of Hitchin?
there are lots of Asian tourists due to the Lavender farms.
New popular restaurants such as Chicken George have been built to encourage further spending an investment.
Retailers are becoming less unique to Hitchin causing its character to move more to a c
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How have resources and trade influenced the character of Hitchin?
Luton and Hitchin have a historic trade link.
currently Japan and Hitchin have a trade link with medical supplies with most of the goods going to Japan - globalisation.
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How has capital influenced the character of Hitchin?
Hitchin mostly receives investment from real estate and banks. It is a popular town for business and economic opportunities.
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How has imigration influenced the character of Hitchin?
partly diverse population - lots of Asian ethnicities resident in Hitchin.
it is predominantly White British.
largely Christian town - St Mary's church.
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How has government policy influenced the character of Hitchin and how is it expected to change in the future?
The growth of Stevenage and Letchworth has reduced Hitchin's greenbelt. The government are thinking of building another school as the influx of people is putting pressure on resources in schools.
F - Hitchin's rural character may disappear leading to less
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How has major cities influenced the character of Hitchin and how is it expected to change in the future?
Hitchin is a commuter town which allows people to maintain a well payed job in London but live in a beautiful rural town.
However, this had led to gentrification and knife crime culture.
F - transport may become even more efficient allowing people in Hit
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How has globalisation influenced the character of Hitchin and how is it expected to change in the future?
Global brands and retailers are causing Hitchin's character to become less unique. The predictable shops will cause tourists to lose interest affecting the economy.
F - Hitchin could become even more like a clown town.
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How has religion influenced the character of Hitchin and how is it expected to change in the future?
St Mary's church Hitchin's history as a Christian town however, there is diverse places of worship (several mosques). Schools are getting more diverse.
F - Hitchin could become more diverse as more ethnicities settle.
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How has economic change influenced the character of Hitchin and how is it expected to change in the future?
there is a large class divide on a local scale as there is a significant amount of rich people vs poorer residents in council houses. Unpredictable rent prices are causing lots of issues for many economically disadvantaged people.
F - The class divide cou
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How has gentrification influenced the character of Hitchin and how is it expected to change in the future?
lower classes feel pushed out and unwelcomed as they cannot afford the rent prices pushed up by upper classes moving in from London. This may change Hitchin's character to 'snobby and cold'.
F - sense of community could massively deteriorate.
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How have new housing estates influenced the character of Hitchin and how is it expected to change in the future?
new housing developments could lead to Hitchin's historical and rustic character to disappear. More council houses could lead to a reduction in benefits for other residents leading to further poverty.
F - Hitchin could lose its uniqueness, less tourism.
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an extra one
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Card 2


How have resources and trade influenced the character of Hitchin?


Luton and Hitchin have a historic trade link.
currently Japan and Hitchin have a trade link with medical supplies with most of the goods going to Japan - globalisation.

Card 3


How has capital influenced the character of Hitchin?


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Card 4


How has imigration influenced the character of Hitchin?


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Card 5


How has government policy influenced the character of Hitchin and how is it expected to change in the future?


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