place studies - Hitchin 2

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 07-06-22 13:03
Describe Hitchin's location.
North Hertfordshire, to the east of England.
close proximity to the A1 and A505.
To the north of London.
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Describe the topography of Hitchin.
Hitchin is a bowl shape, the town centre being in the lowest part.
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Describe the built environment of Hitchin.
Bancroft Road - the land use is predominantly retail. There are 2 car parks in the area. The buildings are all very similar - clone town. Areas of greenery - less like a clone town.
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What are the economic characteristics of Hitchin?
The house prices are drastically increasing due to gentrification.
Class systems are quite distinct where incomes soar or fall very under the national average.
The rate of unemployment is bellow the national average.
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Name 4 demographic characteristics of Hitchin.
High population for a relatively small town.
The average age is 40 - retirement town.
Christianity is the most common religion.
There are more women.
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What are the local infrastructure characteristics of Hitchin?
There is a train station meaning Hitchin is a well connected town and is very accessible.
The lack of big infrastructure creates this peaceful, clean persona for Hitchin.
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Why will the redevelopment of Paynes park have an impact on Hitchin?
The councils are adding environmental improvements to the area which will attract more people to live in Hitchin.
Consequently, Hitchin will have a better amenity value than other towns.
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An Extra one. Also think about greenbelt.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe the topography of Hitchin.


Hitchin is a bowl shape, the town centre being in the lowest part.

Card 3


Describe the built environment of Hitchin.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the economic characteristics of Hitchin?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 4 demographic characteristics of Hitchin.


Preview of the front of card 5
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