Globalisation critique

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 06-06-22 11:47
name 3 economic consequences of globalisation.
1) TNCs pay higher wages than local companies which can help boost the economy and improve people's quality of life in the local area.
2) commercialisation of children
3) Ukraine and Russia - oil price. Conflict can lead to a global deficit in the economy
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name 2 social impacts of globalisation.
1) COVID has been spread globally due to migration of people and transport that allows global travel, easily transmitting viruses.
2) commercialisation of children. Kids are bombarded by hundreds of adverts every week trying to sell them stuff, which can
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name 4 political impacts of globalisation.
1) Western style of governance - indoctrination.
2) Ukraine and Russia - political conflicts can lead to global impact on relationships between countries.
3) Richer countries (e.g. the USA, China) have a massive influence over poorer.
4) Global governance
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name 4 environmental impacts of globalisation.
1) deforestation to make room for massive production factories.
2) huge meat harvesting factories and vegan factories release lots of CO2 into the atmosphere.
3) oil spills and industrial accidents pollute oceans and rivers killing marine life.
4) climate
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Name 5 ways globalisation can impact young peoples' lives socially, economically and culturally.
1) reduce poverty
2) provide / replace manual labour jobs with skilled work.
3) global migration allowing young people to experience cultures all over the world.
4) global consumerism dominated by American and European products / content.
5) unequal distr
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Young people are good at a------ and are flexible to the changes g------------ offers. In d-------- countries young people have been left out of the m----------- process and lack the e------- power to benefit from the o------------ globalisation offers.
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Card 2


name 2 social impacts of globalisation.


1) COVID has been spread globally due to migration of people and transport that allows global travel, easily transmitting viruses.
2) commercialisation of children. Kids are bombarded by hundreds of adverts every week trying to sell them stuff, which can

Card 3


name 4 political impacts of globalisation.


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Card 4


name 4 environmental impacts of globalisation.


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Card 5


Name 5 ways globalisation can impact young peoples' lives socially, economically and culturally.


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