2. B- Medicine and public health from Roman Britain to c. 1350

What happened in stage 1 Chaos in western Europe (middle ages)?
No strong government, countries were often at war, rulers built up defenses not public health, travel and trade was too dangerous
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What happened in Stage 2 The growth of the church (middle ages)?
Church controlled education and books (banned some they didn't like), church taught that god caused illness, every village had a church (told how to behave)
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What happened in stage 3 - change in the late middle ages?
Trade increased, scholars moved more freely, church set up universities
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Who was responsible for treating the ill in the middle ages?
Phsysition (diagnose by urine / Treated by Galen's ideas), Apothecary (trained/ made up most medicines), House wife (traditional remedies/ remedies based on herbs), barber surgeon (could attempt simple surgery/ didn't use anesthetics)
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What was medical training like in the middle ages?
Mainly read Galen's work,church controlled the universities (normally at a monastery)
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What were hospitals in the middle ages like?
Run by monks and nun's, only cared for ill (as god could only cure illness), bed positioned to look at religious figures, some people weren't allowed in
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Give 4 causes of the black death:
Miasma, imbalance of the humours, touching a victim and god
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Give 4 cures for the black death:
Kill all the dogs and cast, flogging (whipping yourself), burn herbs and spices, blood letting
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Card 2


What happened in Stage 2 The growth of the church (middle ages)?


Church controlled education and books (banned some they didn't like), church taught that god caused illness, every village had a church (told how to behave)

Card 3


What happened in stage 3 - change in the late middle ages?


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Card 4


Who was responsible for treating the ill in the middle ages?


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Card 5


What was medical training like in the middle ages?


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