
Who were the key individuals in the Ancient Greek Empire time period
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In the Ancient Greek Empire time period what did people think caused disease?
-imbalace in humours or punishment/curse from Gods
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In the Ancient Greek Empire time period what was the treatment of disease?
-bleeding, purging, exercising -natural remedies -worshipping Gods
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Who were the key individuals in the time period of Ancient Roman Britain - c1350?
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From Ancient Roman Britain - c1350, what did people think caused disease?
Imbalance in humous, punishment/curse from Gods, bad air
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From Roman Britain - c1350, what was the treatment of disease?
-bleeding, purging, exercise -natural remedies -worshipping Gods
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What did the Romans build and use to improve public health?
Aqueducts, Water Pipes, and Public toilets
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What were the four humours?
Blood, Phlegm, Yellow Bile, and Black bile
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Why did people agree with Galen's theory?
It fitted the Christian idea that one God created all humans.
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Why was public health bad in the Middle Ages? (examples)
City streets covered in dirt, rubbish&waste, Water was contaminated, Government laws to keep the streets clean were difficult to enforce
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How did Galen learn about the inner workings of the human body?
By doing dissections
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How did Galen spread his theories?
By writing books about his dissections
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Why was their not a lasting change after the Romans improved their Public Health systems?
After the Romans left many of their works went into disrepair and the standard of Public Health in Britain went down
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Why were Galens theory accepted for so long?
The Church agreed with Galens idea because they fitted in with religion, and the Church had contol over medical training and libraries.
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Card 2


-imbalace in humours or punishment/curse from Gods


In the Ancient Greek Empire time period what did people think caused disease?

Card 3


-bleeding, purging, exercising -natural remedies -worshipping Gods


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Card 4




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Card 5


Imbalance in humous, punishment/curse from Gods, bad air


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