1984 Symbols and Ideas

The Paperweight
The coral encased in glass in a symbol of the humanity hidden deep within the pressure of the party and it cannot escape at times it seems enlarged yet remains minute amongst the strict ideals of the party
1 of 7
Big Brother
Acts as reassurance to the people, "Brother" emphasising his trust and symbolised the closeness of the party as if having a family-like relation
2 of 7
Much like BB his existence is questionable and most likely invented by the party, publicly an enemy to the party used as a scapegoat for any wrongdoings of the party
3 of 7
Julia's Anti-sex Waist Sash
physical proof of devotion to the party, proves her duality as it disguises her true actions.
4 of 7
Winston's Mother
representative of Winston's guilt for his youth and spiteful ways, only appearing in dreams and memories - revives a pre-party pleasantness yet is manipulated by the party and thus removed from Winston's life
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No Darkness
No secrets, total exposure and loss of your internal clock
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Winstons Ulcer above his ankle
Symbolic of sexual repression, itches in the morning, subsides when with Julia and then returns when stripped from Julia.
7 of 7

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Card 2


Acts as reassurance to the people, "Brother" emphasising his trust and symbolised the closeness of the party as if having a family-like relation


Big Brother

Card 3


Much like BB his existence is questionable and most likely invented by the party, publicly an enemy to the party used as a scapegoat for any wrongdoings of the party


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Card 4


physical proof of devotion to the party, proves her duality as it disguises her true actions.


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Card 5


representative of Winston's guilt for his youth and spiteful ways, only appearing in dreams and memories - revives a pre-party pleasantness yet is manipulated by the party and thus removed from Winston's life


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