110 - Vitamins

What are the functions of vitamin A in the body?
Produces blood clotting proteins and proteins for Bones, Kidneys and lungs
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What are vitamin K requirements?
1g per day
2 of 101
Sources of vitamin K?
Green leafy veg, vegetables and vegetable oil
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Decribe the process of storing Vitamin K?
80% absorbed in small intestine - Liver and adipose tissue
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What are the affects of deficiency?
Prolonged blood clotting and decrease in wound healing
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Is Vitamin E and antioxidant and what does this mean?
Yes and it means it stops free radical chains which cause cell damage
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Is vitamin E stored?
Yes in adipose tissue and can be excreted of recycled
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What does Vitamin E increase the absorbtion of?
Vitamin A
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What does the RNI of vitamin E depend on?
PUFA intake, increase of PUFA increases vitamin E intake - About 4mg day
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What are the Vitamin E sources?
Vegetable oil, Corn, Soya, Nuts (Almonds)
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What are the deficiency signs of vitamin E?
Fat malabsorption
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What is the process of the formation of vitamin D?
1. Uv photolyses occurs on fat and skin 2. 7-dehydrocholesterol to Previtamin D3 in skins stores 3.Previtamin D3 through thermal isomerism to Vit D3 4. D3 activated by hydroxilation in the Liver and kidneys to Calcitrol
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In what months is vitamin D not produced?
Between October and March in UK
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What factors alter Vitamin D Absorbtion?
Season, latitude, time, age, skin exposed and skin colour
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What roles does Vitamin D play in the body?
Regulates Ca and PO balance and absorbtion in small intestine, bone metabolism, Ca Excretion in Kidneys and muscle function
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Decribe the process of Vitamin D increasing CA levels
Decrease Blood calcium = PTH release = Calcitrol to bones for resorption by mobalised osteoclasts and increases small intestine absorption
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Where is Vitamin D stored?
Liver and adipose tissue
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What is the RNI for vitamin D?
3-4 mg/ day
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Dietary sources for Vitamin D
Oily fish, egg, milk and dairy and forified breakfast cereal and products
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What does a deficienct in Vitamin D cause?
Rickets due to a decrease in Ca and osteomalacia = softening of bones = decalcification
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What does a toxicity in vitamin D cause?
Demineralisation of bones and convulsions
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What are the 3 forms of Vitamin A?
Retinol, Retinal and Retinoic acid
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What are the two types of Vitamin A found in food?
Retinol (Animal) and Beta - Carotene which is converted in the small intestine (Fruit and veg)
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What is Vitamin A required for?
Vision, reproduction, Growth, Cell division and Immunity
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How is vitamin A absorbed?
80-90% Retinol In small intestine and 60% Beta carotene in small intestine
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Where is Vitamin A stored?
The liver
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What is the equation for calculating Retinol equivalents
Retinol Equiv = Retinol + (B - carotene / 6)
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What is the RNI for men and women for Vitamin D?
Men = 700 micro grams / D Women = 600 micro grams /D
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Sources of Retinol?
Fish liver oil, liver, fortified margerine, egg yolk
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Sources of B-carotene?
Dark leafy veg, carrots, sweet potatoes
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Doe cooking damage vitamin A?
31 of 101
What does a decifiencty of vitmain A cause?
Night blindness, keritinisation of skin, corneal xerosis (Dry an crusts, yellow and cray Cornea) and Bitots Spot
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What does a toxicity in Vitamin A cause?
Hypervitaminosis A, Polar bear liver, acute 30,000 micro grams Adult and 10,000 kids
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What is Vitamin C important for?
Neurotransmitter (Energy transfer in cells), antioxidant and production of Non-Haem iron
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How is Vitmain C absorbed?
Actively transported in Small intestine and sent to all tissue
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Where can the highest concentration of Vitamin C be found?
Lower Kidney and muscle
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Is vitamin C stored?
37 of 101
What is the RNI for vitamin C and who might this alter for?
40 mg/D and if Prego = 50mg/ Lactating = 70mg/ Smoking = 80-120 mg
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What does vitamin C deficiency cause?
Fatigue, weakness, aching muscle and joints, bleeding gums - scurvy, delayed wound healing
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What is the unit for Vitamin C toxicity?
100g day
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What Is Vitamin B1 known as?
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What is thiamin required for?
Metabolism of carbs (Mainly), fat and alcohol, heart and nerve functioning
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What are the deficency signs of Thiamin?
Beri - Beri = diet high in carbs causing swollen stomach and Wernicke - Korsakov = Diet high in Alchohol
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What is the RNI for Thiamin?
0.4mg/ 1,000 Kcals a day
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What is the name of the active form of Thiamin?
TPP - Decarboylation metabolism
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Where is Thiamin Absorbed and how and how is it stored?
In small intestine and actively and transported in blood
46 of 101
Sources of thiamin?
White flour, fortified breakfast cereal and nuts
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What is Vitamin B2 known as?
48 of 101
What is Riboflavin used for?
Oxidative processes in mitochondria chain and breakdown of carbs and RBC production
49 of 101
What does riboflavin deficiency cause?
Lesions on surface in mouth, skin and genitals and vasculaistion of the corna and glossitis
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What is the RNI of riboflavin?
0.5 - 0.8 mg a day
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How is riboflavin absorbed and how is it transported?
In Proximal small intestine and transported in plasma
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Where is riboflavin excreted?
53 of 101
What are the sources of riboflavin?
Meat, milk, eggs and fish
54 of 101
Who are at risk of Riboflavin deficiency?
Chilsten in LEDC, excessive exercise and older people with poor diet
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What is Vitamin B3 known as?
Niacine, Nicotinic acid and nicotinamine
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What is niacine important for?
Fat and carb matabolism, forms NADP for cellular respiration, healthy skin and nerves by decreasing cholosterol
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Where is Niacin absorbed and how and where's it found?
Small intestine by passive if high but usually facilitated and found in plasma
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What is the RNI of Niacin?
6.6 mg / 1000 Kcal
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What can niacin be sympathised from?
Amino acid and tryptophan
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What is the equation of niacin equivalents?
Niacin equiv = Niacin + ( typtophan/60)
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What are the sources of niacin?
Meat and eggs, oats, bananas and chickpeas
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What does Niacin deficiency cause?
Pellagra = photosensitive, diarrhaea, dementia, glossitis and dizziness
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What is Vitamin B5?
Pantothenic acid
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What in Pantothenic acid important for?
Energy metabolism (Synthesis of fatty acids and hormones)
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Where and how is pantothenic acid absorbed and transported?
Small intestine by passive or facilitated diffusion and transported in erythrocytes
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RNI of pantothenic acid
3 - 7mg a day NO DRV
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Sources of pantothenic acid
Liver, Kidney, chicken, egg yolk, peanuts, veg and potatoes
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What does a deficiency in Pantothenic acid?
GI disturbance and sleep disturbance, muscle cramp and hypoglycaemia
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What is Vitami B6 known as?
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What is pyridoxine important for?
Metabolism of protein and amino acids - aids RBC formation, antibody production and NS function
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Where is pyridoxine absorbed, stored an transported?
Absorbed in small intestine and stored in liver and transported bound to albumin
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What is the RNI for pyridoxine?
Based of protein: 15 micro g per g protein Men: 1.4 micro g and Women: 1.2 micro gram
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Sources of pyridoxine?
Cereals, oats, nuts, chicken, milk and beans
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What does pyridoxine deficiency cause?
Increase in CVD risk, cancer, kidney stones and seizure
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What is B12 known as?
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What is Cobalamin important for?
Folate metabolism, maintaining CNS and fatty acids
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What does low cobalamin cause?
Folate and methianine deficiency
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How and where is Cobalamin absorbed and how is it transported and stored?
In small intestine by active transport or slightly passive, stored in Liver and transorted as transcobalamin 2
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How is Cobalamin excreded?
Urine, bile and shedded skin
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What is the RNI for cobalamin?
1.5 micro gram day
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sources of colabamin
Meat, liver, diary, ham, tuna and oysters
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Who is at risk of Colabamin deficiency?
Vegans, those institutionalised and malabsorbtion
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Signs of Colabamin deficiency?
Megaloblastic anaemia and neurological disorders
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What is Vitamin B9 known as?
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What is folate important for?
Metabolism of amino acids and DNA and RNI Synthesis
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What does Folate help prevent?
Neural tube defects
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How much Folate is absorbed in the small intestine?
88 of 101
What is folate transported as?
89 of 101
Where is Folate stored?
90 of 101
What is the RNI for folate?
200 micro g day (300 when pregnant)
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Sources of folate?
Liver, green leafy veg, kidney, fortified breakfast cereal and orange juice
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Signs of folate deficiency
Reduced DNA synthesis - Anaemia and decreased fertility
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Those as risk of folate deficiency
Coeliac, alcoholics and drug taking
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What is Vitamin H?
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What is Biotin important for?
Fatty acid synthesis, gluconeogenesis, hormone and cholesterol synthesis
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What inhibits Biotin absorbtion?
Avadin found in raw eggs and large amounts of B5
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Where in the body can biotin be produced and reabsorbed?
By bacteria in the large intestine and absorbed in colon
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How is Biotin transported
Bound to albumin
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What is the RNI for biotin
10-200 micro grams a day
100 of 101
Signs of biotin deficiency
Hair loss, rash, Anorexia, conjunctivitis and dermatitis (Skin inflammation)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are vitamin K requirements?


1g per day

Card 3


Sources of vitamin K?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Decribe the process of storing Vitamin K?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the affects of deficiency?


Preview of the front of card 5
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