1.1 Intro to biological molecules

Describe covalent bonding
Atoms share a pair of electrons in their outer shells, as a result the outer shell of both atoms in filled and a more stable compound, called a molecule, is formed
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Describe ionic bonding
Ions with opposite charges attract each other. This electrostatic attraction is known as an ionic bond. Ionic bonds are weaker than covalent bonds
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What is a polar molecule?
A molecule with an uneven distribution of charge
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What causes polarity in a molecule?
The electrons spending more time at one position, closer to one atom in the molecule
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Describe hydrogen bonding
When polar molecules come close to each other a weak electrostatic bond is formed between them. Although each bond is individually weak, they can collectively form forces that alter the physical properties of molecules
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What is polymerisation?
When monomer sub-units are linked together to form a large macromolecule or a polymer
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What reaction is used to join monomers together?
Condensationi reaction
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Why is it called this?
Because a water molecule is released when the bond is formed
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What reaction is used to break these polymers back down into monomers?
Hydrolysis reaction
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Why is it called this?
Because a molecule of water is used to split the polymer
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What is metabolism?
All the chemical processes that take place in a living organism
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What is avagadro's constant?
6.022 x 10^23
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How does an atom become an ion?
When it gains or loses an electron
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What are isotopes?
When atoms of the same element have a different number of neutrons
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe ionic bonding


Ions with opposite charges attract each other. This electrostatic attraction is known as an ionic bond. Ionic bonds are weaker than covalent bonds

Card 3


What is a polar molecule?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What causes polarity in a molecule?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe hydrogen bonding


Preview of the front of card 5
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