Witch Trials brief overlook


North Berwick Trials 1590-1591

What Happened:

Witches tried to kill king James VI when he was sailing to Denmark to meet Princess Anne, who he was going to marry.

The witches were accused of digging up graves and throwing body parts along with a cat into a river in order to create a storm to kill the king.

The king was given the idea that witches were trying to kill him from the Dutch captain of the ship.

Key People Involved:

Gilly Duncan

She was the main suspect who was a servent girl. She was accused because she was too good at healing people. From there she was interrigated and named a number of other people including Dr John Fian, Agnes Sampson, Barbara Napier, Francis Stewart and Euphemia Maclean. Eventually up to 70 people were suspected and this lead to a chain trial.

Francis Steward

He was the 1st Earl of Bothwell and the King's cousin. He was accused to have been trying to kill the king so he could replace him. He was believed to be in control of the witches coven and he openly criticised James for failing to prevent the execution of his mother. There was evidence against him as he suggested to James to make the sea journey. In April 1591 he was called before the privy council to answer to the accusations of being the ring leader. He escaped Edinburgh Castle in June and spent months in hiding until December when he attacked Holyrood Palace but was stopped by the guards.

Agnus Sampson

Named by Gilly Duncan. She was a elderly woman who had the reputation as a midwife, healer and cunning woman. A devil's marks was found on her and she was tortured by the request of the king, who was present at the torture. A witches bridle was used on her when she was not being tortured and was kept awake for several days. Accused of communicating with other witches and belonging to a coven and raising the storm. She admitted to the 53 charges placed against her. The king was sceptical of this evidence thinking witches were liers until she apparently repeated the words from James' wedding night. She was executed in Jaunary 1591.

John Fian

He was a schoolmaster who was arrested and charged with witchcraft and high treason. He had been spotted riding at night on a horse decked out with magic candles. He was accused of being present at witches meetings and being the secretary. Torture was used on his and for…


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