Why did Pope Urban II call the first Crusade?


Why did Pope Urban II call the First Crusade?

The main reasons that Pope Urban II called the First Crusade were:

  • To reform Western society
  • To reconcile the Catholic church with the Eastern Orthodox church
  • Alexios asked for aid 
  • To reclaim Jerusalem for Christianity
  • To increase the power of the Papacy

To reform Western society

 Pope Urban II was a close advisor to Gregory VII, who was a great reforming pope, and wanted to continue his ideas 

 In Western society the tradition was to pass land down to the sons of the  family, the result of this was more land owners to the same quantity of land. As a result, there was an increase in fighting for land, this was not the Christian ideal the church sought. Thus to reform Western society and reduce fighting Urban II aimed to unite the fights against a common enemy: the Muslims. 

 In 1066, the invasion of Britain, it had been Christians vs. Chrisitians. 

 Freeing Chrisitans fitted with the reform of 'Libertas.'


To reconcile the Catholic church with the Eastern Orthodox church

 Since the 'Great


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