Types of Sampling & Advantages & Disadvantages


Probability Samples: A form of sample that uses some form of random selection.

Non-Probability Samples: A form of sample that does not give all members of the target population a chance of being selected.

Simple Random Sampling: This is a propability sample that uses a random lottery system such as putting names into a hat. 

  • Strength: It is highly representative.
  • Weakness: There is a chance of a freak sample where unintended patterns appear.

Stratified Random Sampling: This is a propability sample in which people in different social groups are seperated out into groups and then put into a random lottery.

  • Strength: It is highly representative.
  • Weakness: There is a chance of a freak sample where unintended patterns appear.

Systematic Random Sampling: This is a propability sample that lists lists the sample frame and chooses every nth person to be a participant.

  • Strength: It is highly representative.
  • Weakness: There is a chance of a…


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