Three Secrets Your Web Designer Doesn't Want You to Know


As with every business, there are trade secrets of which the general public is unaware. Whether it's overcharging for time or materials or having the work done by unqualified workers, every business sector has ways of winning projects and attaining higher margins. The web design business is no exception. Here are three secrets your web designer doesn't want you to know. Knowing these tricks of the trade can save you a lot of time, stress and money.

Your Web Designer's "Portfolio" May Be Highly Misleading

If you look at your web designer's portfolio and you see projects that seem well above the skill level of the designer, be very suspicious. For example, if your web designer's portfolio has examples of websites for large corporations or contains sophisticated order/reservation processing systems, ask your web designer to clarify exactly he did on the project. Likewise, a web designer who has a very impressive client list might be using this list to exaggerate what she actually did for those businesses. Such code words as "consulting" or "design work" are often generously used by designers when all she really did was talk with her friend who works for the company and gives a few color suggestions. According to Web design dubai, A professional web designer will welcome your questions and never hesitate to answer questions about her skills or portfolio.

Your Web Designer Might Not Have Even Made His Website

A designer needs to have a compelling website to attract new customers. Unfortunately, many individual web designers, especially those who do design


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