The Industrial Revolution


Nationwide changes that contributed to the Industrial Revolution 

Population Growth 

  • Britain experiences rapid population growth which means that more resources needed to be shared between more people. 
  • However, this meant that there was a gap in the market for an increase in labour in order to produce more resources - which would have contributed to economic growth. 
  • The reason for such a growth was largely due to higher birthrates. 

Agricultural Revolution 

  • Growth in the agricultural sector. Population growth meant more people to feed. 
  • Revolutionary new techniques/practices e.g crop rotation (invented by Charles Townsend), use of marginal lands, land being marked by property rights etc. meant that those working in agriculture were able to produce more. 
  • During the C18th, around 35% of people dropped out of agricultural production (Robert Allen). This was because improvements in agriculture meant that less people had to work as hard to produce as much. In turn, this resulted in migration from vilages to towns and cities in search of work. 


  • By 1880, London was bigger than Mexico City, New York City, Paris and Shanghai combined. 
  • A lot of this urbanisation was due to agricultural improvements and tax revenues that improved the structure of towns and increases in international trade - enticed people to move to the towns and cities. 
  • Can also be attributed to improvements in road infrastructure/the canal system. Turnpike Acts were introduced to give the public the opportunity to invest in their roads. This had a huge impact in general travel as well as the speed of travel/how long it took to get anywhere. 

Misconceptions about the Industrial Revolution to consider: 

1) That it was 'revolutionary' - a quick and all encompassing process. 

2) That it was entirely led by indiviudals? e.g the importance of exceptional men, e.g Brunel. 

3) That, as an island, the Industrial Revolution in Britain was removed from the rest of the world. 

4) It was a supply-side issue. 

Misconception 1) Revolutionary Process

Most depictions of the Industrial Rev. are that it was a very quick and revolutionary turning point/process. However, it's important to remember…


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