the garden of love

  • Created by: Kiwisloth
  • Created on: 13-04-19 14:29

summary: the speaker goes to the garden of love and finds a chapel and a graveyard.

key features:

  • 'I' which is a personal pronoun, suggests that the speaker in the poem is Blake.
  • 'where i used to play' shows that innocence can be lost because it places the dynamic verb 'play' after 'used' which is in the past tense which shows that the speaker is in the stage of his life where he is more experienced because playing connotes being carefree and innocent. blake paints this in a negative way to show that he would rather retain his innocence.
  • 'gates of the chapel were shut' implies taht organised christianity is somewhat exclusive to blake, it also shows that the philosophy of organised christianity is harsh and unforgiving like God is portrayed in…


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