The Black Death


The Black Death

Where did it come from?

The Black Death originated from China but journeyed to Europe in the 1340s through the trade routes. The first reports of the Black Death in Europe originate in Italy and are from 1347. It is said that the disease spread from the port of Sicily as it was very popular in the 14th century. 

What are the types of plague and what causes them?

There are two main types of plague: bubonic and pneumonic. The bubonic plague came from a germ that lived in the blood of rats (called Yersinia Pestis). Fleas would drink the blood from the rats the jump onto a human spreading the disease. 70% of people with the Bubonic plague would die within a week, and only 30% would recover. The pneumonic plague was a germ that travelled through the air so you caught it by breathing it in. It was also spread by coughing and sneezing. You would


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