teachings of the catholic church



A pilgrimage is a journey that has religious or spiritual significance. The journey is usually taken to an important religious place. There are many sites of Christian pilgrimage, several of which are mentioned in Bible stories about the life of Jesus, including Jerusalem


Lourdes is a famous pilgrimage site in France where the waters are believed to have healing powers.

In 1858, Bernadette Soubirous, a young local girl, was said to have seen the Virgin Mary at Lourdes and her friend was said to have been healed in the waters. Bernadette was made a saint by Pope Pius XI in 1933.

Often the water is taken home by pilgrims, and there have been many more stories of healings.


Iona is a quiet island in Scotland where a monastery was built by Columba, a monk. It is often visited by pilgrims.

Christians go there to study the Bible and pray, which may lead to spiritual growth. People often feel that they benefit from having their lives redirected or feel that they learn something about themselves while in Iona. This can allow Christians to face the challenges of life back at home in a different way.

criticisms of a pilgrimage

Pilgrimages are often criticised, as some Christians believe that the money spent could be better used helping those in need rather than paying for travel.

Lourdes is often crowded with visitors, and many people say the site has become too commercialised, with shops selling souvenirs, including statues of the Virgin Mary.

Some Christians feel that the benefits of the pilgrimage, like those felt at Iona, can be felt at home when praying.

Funeral Rite.

When someone dies, it is important for Catholics that they carry out the funeral rite.

  1. Usually, the funeral rite begins with a vigil of prayer the day before a Mass.
  2. The body is placed in a coffin and taken to church, which represents the deceased being taken back to be with God.
  3. The coffin is sprinkled with water as a reminder of baptism. The following words are said: In the waters of baptism [name] died with Christ and rose with him to new life. May s/he now share with him in eternal glory.
  4. The Funeral Mass is enacted, with prayers asking God to take care of the deceased…


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