Surgery Notes



  • 1799 - Humphry Davy identified nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as a possible anaesthetic but he was largely ignored

  • 1842 - Crawford Long discovered Ether and though he did not publish his work it was demonstrated in 1846. However Ether was an irritant, fairly explosive and could make you sick

  • 1847 - James Simpson experimented on himself and discovered chloroform could be used

  • 1848 - First death caused by Chloroform, Hannah Greener

  • 1853 -Queen Victoria used chloroform for the birth of her 8th child

  • Anaesthetics were objected to:

    • On religious grounds

    • Some people were suspicious of doctors using anaesthetics

    • Some were afraid of side effects and overdose

  • Early anaesthetics lead to a rise in death rates because

    • Surgeons performed more complicated procedures and cut deeper

    • Surgeons took longer

    • The problems of infection and blood loss had not yet been solved

Antisepsis And Asepsis

  • Antisepsis - killing bacteria in the wound

  • Asepsis - Stopping bacteria getting near the wound


  • 1818 - Ignaz Semmelweis used Chloride of Lime to wash hands during childbirth


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