Sports Science and The Active Leisure Industry


Components of Fitness

Health Related:

These components determine how well the performer can meet the physical demands of the sport.



  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Aerobic Endurance
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Body Composition
  • Power

Health Related Components:


There are 3 Main Types of Strength: Maximum, Elastic and Strength Endurance.

Maximum Strength - “The maximum force that can be developed in a muscle or group of muscles for maximal contraction.

Elastic Strength - “The ability to overcome resistance rapidly and prepare the muscle quickly for a sequential contraction of equal force

Strength Endurance - “ The ability of muscle to undergo repeated contractions and withstand fatigue


Flexibility is defined as the “range of movement possible about a joint

Determined by elasticity of tendons, ligaments and the type of joint

Mostly associated with gymnastics but also remember that flexibility can lead to an increase in power and speed of muscular contraction.


Speed is “the ability to put body parts into motion quickly, or the maximum rate that a person can move over a given distance

Mostly concerned with moving from A-B, and is generally seen as being genetic due to muscle make up, high levels of phosphocreatine or highly effective lever system.

Aerobic Endurance

Aerobic Endurance is “the ability to provide and sustain energy aerobically

It is dependent on the ability of the




It emphasizes the importance of understanding the science behind physical activities and its impact on performance and overall well-being. The incorporation of various scientific principles, such as physiology, biomechanics, and nutrition, highlights the comprehensive approach required to excel in sports. I particularly appreciated the section on injury prevention and rehabilitation, as it resonates with my personal experience in Taekwondo. I've researched the topic of this type of sport here a lot before joining it. It's crucial to comprehend the body's mechanics to prevent injuries and promote a safe training environment. This article reinforces my enthusiasm for sports and motivates me to delve deeper into the scientific aspects that underpin my love for Taekwondo.