Sport and fitness


People and organisation 

Fitness and Sports centres provide a range of classes and equipment to exercises many different parts of the body.  The programmes are designed to adjust to peoples abilities and needs. 

Many people use sports centres such as  

  • losing weight 
  • improve fitness levels 
  • increase muscle mass 

A coach or trainers designes a program to suit an individuals needs and abilities and they take in account your medical issues when doing this. 

The register of exerccise professionals is a government backed charity for the slef regulation for all fitness trainers, coaches etc. ensuring that the trainer had met certain standards of good practise. 

Health and Safety regulations must also be met by all fitness trainers. 

Lifestyle, Health and Fitness factors


Alcohol consumption 

  • High levels can cause physical problems 
  • Body weight will increase to unhealthy levels 
  • Kidney and…


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