science gcse rev. cards




  • Created by: reece
  • Created on: 19-04-09 14:44


understanding ourselvs: resperation

muscles use oxegen to seprate energy from glucase. this proces is called respration. wgen cells do alot of work that need oxegen to function properly this is provided through the lungs. as you ecsersice your mussles use up oxegen and so there for the more work you do the harder you hart and your lungs need to work. durin exercise your heart rate incraces and your breathing rate speed up.the speeding up of the heart rate also helps remove any un needed waste such as carbon dioxide. this is relced through your breath.

when your cells and muscles are getting enough oxegen you use aerobic resperation to relece oxegen from food

glucose + oxegen ----> carbon dioxide + water +energy

when your musles and cells arent geting enough oxegen you use anaerobic resperation to release energy from food.

glucose ----> lactic acid + energy

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understanding ourselves: resperation cont.

anaerobic resperation releases much less energy than earobic resperation. after exersise lactic acid bildes up in the muscles. lactic acid temporeraly damages muscles, but in the long run its helps bild muscle fibers.


after training lots you become very speshaliced and competent at that indervidual action/sport. but at other actions/sports you may not be as competent or evern be worce than when you started of. this is beacse when training one sport you ofeten only use certain muscles there as with other sports you may use otheres. for example a rugby player as very well bilt this is helpfull in rugby beacase you can use your momentem to talk out other players. a rugby player wouldent be as competent at gym beacase the skills you use are balence, flexerbilty and to be able to work on your own where as in rugby you need speed, streanth, and to be abl to work as a team. so it is a good idear to train lots of differentt muscles. you can test how fit you are buty testing how long it takes for your hart rate takes to retern to your resting hart rate

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understanding ourselves

blood pressure

cardic muscle contract to make your heart beat. this sqeeses blood through blood vessles calld artarys. blood being thaken back to the heart is transpored through veins. the artarys are under alot of pressure so the walls of the artarys are under alot of pressure.

your blood pressure is messured in mmHg (millimeters in murcuary)

blood pressuer has to mesuments, systolic pressuer is the maxemem pressuer the heart produces. where as diastolic pressure is the blood pressuer between the heart beats.

the systolic pressure is writen first the the diastolic pressure. blood pressure chainges over age and acording to your life stile. the recorce tells me that a childs systolic pressure is between 80-100 mmHg where as a middle aged person is 130-150 mmHg.

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