Reducing Global Inequality

  • Some people in poorer countries try to improve their quality of life through 'self-help':
    • Moving from rural areas to urban areas - water, food and jobs are more accesible
    • Improving their houses and their environment
    • Communities can work together to improve their quality of life - building schools 
  • Fair trade and trading groups help to increase the money made from trade
    • Fair trade is all about getting fair prices for goods produced in poorer countries 
      • Companies who want to sell products labelled as 'fair-trade' (e.g coffee) have to pay producers a fair price
      • Buyers also pay extra on top of the fair price to help develop an area where the goods come from (e.g to build schools or health centres)
      • Only producers that treat their workers well can partake in the scheme
    • Trading groups are groups of countries that make agreements to reduce barriers to trade, increasing trade between members of the group
      • When a poor country joins a trading group, the amount of money the country gets from trading increases - more money means more development can take place
      • However, it isn't easy for countries outside of the trading group to export goods to countries that are part of the trading group - reducing the export income of non-trading group countries, slowing down their development
  • The debt of poorer countries can be reduced
    • Debt abolition is when some or all of a country's debt is cancelled - this means that they can use the money they make to develop rather than to pay off the debt
      • e.g Zambia had $4 million cancelled in 2005 meaning that in 2006 the country had enough money to start a free healthcare scheme
    • Conservation swaps are when part of a country's debt is payed off by someone…


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