  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 24-11-14 16:57


  • quality issues are related to the concept of 'fitness for purpose'
  • its about the relationship between performance, price, aesthetic appeal, saleability and customer satisfaction
  • quality for the CONSUMER  means a product's fit for purpose, evaluated through performance, price and aesthetic
  • quality for the MANUFACTURER means meeting specifications including BS


  • the ABOVE qualities are for QA
  • quality assurance involves using a company's internal quality system which;
    - quality control monitors and achieves agreed standards through inspection and testing
    - defects are traced back to the production process and effectively eliminated
    - sustained levels of quality performance involve all areas
  • total quality management (TQM) is an aim of every company that wants to achieve sustained levels of quality performance. Its achieved using a quality management system and companies might comply with BS…


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